


on RealAudio

Broadcast Date: Sunday 07-22-2001

Broadcast Address: From the Studios of
Green City Network News - GCNN
2605 Jones Road ste. 105
Austin, Texas 78745

Broadcast Time: United States Sunday evening 9 P.M. EDT New York

Announcer - This is Kirk Wesley with GCNN, Green City Network News bringing you World Review Commentary broadcasting Sunday evening from our Studios in Austin, Texas, USA

Our Mission Statement: To Better Inform, Evolving Information and Knowledge into Wisdom

The program is available as an Internet Broadcast - on demand from our web site:

Now some News comments


The G-8 ministers continued to use Green House Gases to intimidate President Bush into submitting to European Financial, Trade and Industrial dominance. Bush is holding firm and the hustle by the Europeans to get a loose cannon back into line is not working. Bush should politely tell these pirates that America is taking back into its own hands its destiny.


Ariel Sharon's policy is calculated to destroy the command and control structure of the Palestinian Authority and drive Arafat from the country leaving the Palestinian people with neither a government nor rights under any peace accord.


Exemplifies the morals that run rampant in America. Our congressional representatives have exempted themselves from Employer laws that all other employers must obey. That is a statement that our representatives are above the law, no one should be above the law.

Next an original saying

"We Study the Bible Too Much and Live it Too Little"

Now our commentator George Butler


Intelligence agencies use certain techniques to protect their secrets. One such technique is a concept called "Need to Know". Only personnel with the need to know certain secrets to carry out their mission are granted access to those necessary secrets. Another concept is to compartmentalize the intelligence agency so that each department is limited to its own unique mission. This technique limits the damage to the whole agency that a security violation would create.

Universities have evolved different departments and schools, each with separate brick and mortar buildings. With the explosion of knowledge, specialization evolution necessitated different fields of study being created. Different disciplines have become all consuming due the vastness of the explosion of knowledge. This has resulted in scholars limiting themselves to highly specialized fields of study thus a Compartmentalization of Truth has occurred. This reality is prohibiting an overall view of the world system from being realized. Thus the way we are ruled has been effectively hidden from us.

Now some closing statements.

"Know Thy Self"

"Know Thy Thoughts"

"Know Thy World"

The first "Know Thyself" was a saying used by Socrates to teach. This saying helps one to understand their own personality and character traits so that one might be able to reform those negative traits.

The second, "Know Thy Thoughts" denotes a process of being able to observe ones thoughts as they are unfolding and how those thoughts mold one's actions.

The third "Know Thy World" is a journey of discovery of worldly things. We should endeavor to discover those systems that control us through a systemized state of debasement.

In the end we must expose and reveal truth, so we might speak for freedom, a freedom built up by a belief in God, humbling oneself, bending thy knee to a higher power and redirecting of one's soul in a new direction where worldly things are unimportant and Godly things the only path, the only way, the only direction.

In Closing remember these words:


Now some closing announcements

Announcer Kirk Wesley: "World Review Commentary is broadcast every Sunday evening at 9 P.M. EDT New York, Internet on demand from web site:


and you can e-mail us at

Fax us with your comments: area code 512 892-5645

Next a closing comment

"The Delusion HIDES The Delusion"

Thanks again for listening and good-bye from your announcer Kirk Wesley - the greatest speaking voice the world will never know."

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